Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sept. 2012 K Poems

I suffer the coughing to catch the buzz.

“From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.”
--Cat Stevens

“There are an infinity of sides to every story,
and infinity of sides to every lie.”—Mikel K

Poetry Flow

If you think too much about writing a poem
you will not write the poem, or, at least, I
will not write a poem if I think too much about it.
The poem has to come from my head to my fingers
without any interruption.


I rescued Shawtie from a trip to the pound
over a decade ago. The Girls who lived upstairs
from me in the apartment that I, and the kids,
inhabited for over a decade had gotten her on
a cab ride home from the driver of the cab. Several weeks later, they were moving, and had to dump
the dog. When I heard of her fate, I said no way,
knocked on their door, and left with the dog. At that
point, in that small apartment, I then had three dogs:
Shawtie, Javi, Morisson, and a moody cat that I loved
dearly, named Madonna.

Shawtie was the cutest puppy. I learned later that
she is a combination pit bull, and sharpie. She can
be mean. She will bite you. She nipped at my foot,
yesterday, when I tried to nudge her out of her regular
squat spot in the middle of the doorway to my office.

This morning, Shawtie, kind of gangst the cats’ breakfast away from them.  Another day in paradise. It is good to be alive. It is good to have Shawtie visiting, inspite of herself, at times!  Did I say that it is good to be alive? Oops, I said it twice: I must really mean it.

Have you ever almost sent a shard of ice
through your eye, while trying to get the
ice out of its container? Today, as I was
banging the ice tray on the floor of the
refrigerator, ice shot in the direction of
my upper face. There is a moral to this

She was a girl who could have
given blowjobs in a Velvet Underground song.
And I had taken nothing to hallucinate

It was no secret

that I was standing there in front of you
but in my mind I was already gone.
I thought that it was a butterfly
landing on the hood of the car
as I stood on the carport, and watched
the dogs eat, but it was a leaf.

Pray he will be alright. I talked to him once, when I was a stage hand, and he had a gig at Lakewood. I broke the you can't talk to rock stars rule, and I said to Billy Joe Armstrong, "I like that you played the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Tribute to The Ramones, after he talked all that shit about you. Joey was a good guy." I scooted before Billy Joe could say what a great guy I was.

This weight scale will have to go. It’s a cheap thing. It has started lying. It used to show my weight as going down, but recently it has been showing my weight as going up,
and that is not correct. It won’t work. I won’t work with
a broken scale. Does anyone have a donut?

Tubes Tied?

Does The Pope have an opinion
on vasectomy? Has he ever had one?

Classroom Chatter

it doesn’t matter
until they start talking
at you. The Bully uses
them to get to you.
You don’t know how
to put out his eye, so
you are strangled by him
for year. No tears for this,

I’ll take care of your every need

I’m not The Government. I’m not
your mother. I am not a drug,
a food, a drink; non-alcohol, or other.
I’m not a car. I’m not your house.
I’m not your groceries. I am not your
favorite drink, the one you loved until
it got you in trouble, and you had to
start going to those meetings. I am not
the drug that you would swallow regularly
if they quit drug testing you at work.
These things don’t take care of you.
Who does?

My body is changing

It gives me new challenges
as I age.


Sometimes, I can’t inhale it
because it is harsh.
Sometimes, I can’t inhale it
because there is not enough of it.


It wasn't a war. It was a conflict, or an engagement. Or something like that. Nobody really knew. A General had ordered it. A President had vetoed it. The Nation was both for, and against, it. Kids were dying in it. Sales usually went up in a war, but not in this one. And, once it was started, it wouldn't go away. A lot of lunch money was being spent on the war.

Can’t Listen to a dickhead

I’m going to dress now.
I’m going to piss now.
I’m going to get on the bus
and hope that the boss
doesn’t make a fuss.
I ain’t going to hit him, or her
but I can’t listen to what they say.

We Live

We live with rats, and cockroaches
and a guy who wants to rule us
who keeps his money in another country.
We live with surveillance cameras
surrounding us, and robocops ready
to whip us, should we gather outside of
the designated protest spots.
Thomas Lux says that you have to say
something funny in a serious poem.

Everybody’s got something to say

It is easy to say that something is fucked.
It is hard to come up with solutions.

Run Run Run

I’ve got to keep running from the truth
because I know that the truth is going
to hit me hard. I’ve got to keep running
from the truth; there are so many out
there saying so many things. I’ve got to
run, run, run. Can you tell me what is the
truth anyway about what is happening
in The USA?

It may be the only day that will be

I see the beauty of this day
and I grab it. It is the only day I have
It is the only day that I have ever had.

I grab it.
I seize it.
I embrace it.
I love it.
I enjoy it.
I am challenged by it.

With no need to eat the pig

they eat the pig send it screaming
and bloody into a painful death
so that they can happily consume
ham, and pig ribs, and bacon, and
all of that that comes from a pig,
why Lordy yes, some even eat the feet.

With no need to kill the rhino

they kill the rhino, and take his tusk
sell it for big bucks. It’s sick. It’s sad.

I’m waiting for the man

I am waiting for the man
to put money in my account
so that I can pay my bills.
Besides my bills, I have to buy
dog, and cat food. Thank God
the turtle doesn’t eat that much.

Another man’s wife.

I’m looking for a fix, a remedy
please fix what ails me. I got
a yearning for something that
I can’t taste. It’s not really in
my department. I saw it on
another man’s wife.

I'd have another cigarette
 but I can't breath.
 I'd put on my sunglasses
 but I can't see.


You better god damn put God back in the platform
I imagine some man in a nice suit screaming at a room full of men, and women, in nice clothing.

The question is, or might be

My computer is slow today; my zillion dollar computer.
Fuck. Can you ever get enough memory, or bites, or whatever the terminology is to stay ahead of these fucking things. Life is good though. I just had leftover homemade garlic shrimp with white boy rice for lunch; and, now, I am sipping on a tasty cup of coffee, about to head to the carport to practice guitar for a half hour. I know where I am; do you know where you are?

Where do you get the white chip for pessimistic thought?

I always feel like the axe is about to fall.
Is that what they call pessimistic thinking?

I might have to bribe the angels

Blowing through the innards of my soul
I saw many holes, and I did not know if
this vessel would make it to live in eternity
with The Holy Father. It would take an inspection,
and an inventory, to right this wrong;
and it might take too long for it to save me.


I’ve started a million different letters
in my head, and I have finished most of them,
but never sent them for I am told that restraint
of tongue, and pen, is a good thing.

Tired of fending

I’m blowing dust off of all my shelves.
I want things clean when I’m gone.
I won’t be looking back; I will be once again
fending for myself.

They are so pathetic and will never rule us

Plastic so seductive, so seemingly secure, now a killer like a pet snake, or spider, might turn out to be. I’m a serial killer, won’t you come home, and spend your last night with me? I’m a victim; won’t you help further bury me? Let’s blur the line between right, and wrong, and not tell anybody just keep moving on.

If I lived in Los Angeles

If I lived in Los Angeles
that would be me you’d
be coming to see in the movies.
If I lived in LA
my band would be bigger,
and better, than Guns N Roses
were in the day.
If I lived in LA, it wouldn’t be long
before they would be putting my star
in the sidewalk.
If I lived in LA, I wouldn’t walk
because only a nobody walks in LA.
If I lived in LA, maybe I wouldn’t be
so full of shit, but I doubt it,
so I ain’t moving to LA anytime soon.

You all are going to make me smoke marijuana

You all are going to make me smoke marijuana.
twenty years without a drink you know what I think
I think you all are going to make me smoke marijuana
traffic jams, minimum wage, doors closing faster
than I can knock on one. You know what I think?
I think that you all are going to drive me to smoke marijuana. Fire it up. Kick back. Relax. I want to be
watching the wheels turn round, and round. I want to believe that freedom is more than just another word.
I don’t want to be a happy idiot. You all are going to
make me smoke marijuana. You really are. You all are
going to make me smoke marijuana.

Got any?

My Friend

He would crush me as he would a cockroach.
He would step on me like he would an ant.
He would shoot me dead.
He would steal my love.
He would steal my ideas.
He would leave me for dead, bleeding on the road.

I’m just another schmuck

I’m just another schmuck
stuck here with the rest
trying to not wind up perspiring
under a bridge for a living.
I’m just another schmuck
one check away from finding out
what it feels like to stand by
the side of the road with a sign
that says, “I’ll work if I have to,
but I would really rather you just
give me some cash!”
I’m just another schmuck
my down and out song is
about two hours long.
You better move on. I might rub off
on you. You don’t think that you could
be me, but you already are a just a
schmuck like me.
We are all schmucks, shaken off the same tree.
Nobody is going to save us, and it will probably
get worse. If you can’t afford the doctor, they
won’t even let you see the nurse.
I’m a schmuck.
You’re a schmuck. La. La. La.

You are nobody until somebody makes you
their screen saver

The door to her office was cracked open just a hair;
she used to leave the door open, but is convinced
that one of my cats likes to go into her shoe closet
and piss on the shoes, and through the crack I could
see me staring back at me from her computer screen
and was struck by just what a huge compliment this was.

Things often look better in the morning

I don’t want to quit.
I’ll never quit.
Quitting ain’t as easy
as it looks; I’ve quit
so many times before.
I want to run.
I’ll never run.
Running ain’t as easy
as it looks.
I’m going to cook dinner,
and go to bed.

I’m in the middle no beauty queen
Nobody knocked on my door
to invite me to prom. At Halloween
they said I didn’t need a mask.

I choose to get on with it

There are those way less talented than I am
doing way better than I am. You can ponder
things, and say, “Why?” or you can get on with it.

Tick Tock

I hate closed doors.
Where am I going to
run to once I let you in?

Not everything is going to make you the next big thing

Sweeping the carport.
Feeding the dogs.
Changing the cat litter.
Not everything is going to make you
the next big thing.

I’m at the mercy of
the wind, and the water.
I howl at the moon.
The sun burns me.

I am going to dig a big hole
and put Dylan, and Shawtie,
in it, so that they can bark
no longer at everything that
walks by the house.

No Wisdom

Where’s the switch when there is
no light, or the light is dim? Must
strength always come from within?


No wheels. What a bummer.
How is she going to get to work?
No swimming. No way to the
grocery store. I’m out of lemons.
Fuck. I hit that curb going thirty
or forty; no telling how much damage
is done. I didn’t freak out, yesterday,
but I am freaking out, today. Fuck.

No Wisdom

Where’s the switch when there is
no light, or the light is dim? Must
strength always come from within?

Where were we before Google?

All these years, I have fretted
only to, today, discover that
the answer was just a click or
two on the keyboard away.


It reflects my mood
so I am going to use it.

I feel like a welcome mat

with a big smiley face on it
that keeps getting stepped on.

Peace and Love is getting kicked in the ass

The world is blowing up.
Without  TV, I can still see it
on the monitor in front of me.


I’m not in the happy to be here dept., today.
I am in the I wish I was somewhere else dept.

Keep it to yourself, pal

I have looked to him for answers for years
but, I have no use for it when he offers an answer before I ask for it.

There are times when you just have to have faith

If there was something that I could do
about it, I would do it. But I can’t. Worry
is a useless emotion. It has drained
the fuck out of me way too many times.
I don’t know how to end this.
I suffer the coughing to catch the buzz
Inside my head, this morning, all things
felt evil. It felt like three doormen
dressed like Johnny Rotten had punched me
kicked me, and then thrown me out
the back door, and down the steps of a club
because one of them really likes to beat men
and women up, but needs help from other men
to beat most men up cuz he is a coward inside.

Trying to make thirty six dollars

I wrecked the car, and am now
waiting to see how much it will cost
to get it fixed. Sometimes, you
really should just stay home.

The Big Titted Woman

She had big tits and did not like
the way her tits were treated
on the job, so she decided to make
money from her big tits.

Where does a girl go when
she has decided to make money
from her big tits?

To my way of thinking

I thought to myself that I would like to listen to “some spiritual music;” and then I thought to myself what is spiritual music? Indian sitars; Native Americans chanting; hymns from the Catholic Church? To my way of thinking, Motorhead, and Black Flag, are spiritual, and so is the band Fear.

No one could miss you more than me

I know that you are not leaving
but, if you did, no one would miss you
more than me.

How The West Was Not Won

He: What cost is Love?

Her: For Love no cost is too high.

He: You sound like a Meatloaf song!!

She: WOW!!! that is a huge compliment, I so love that band (:

He: You have made me helpless: what should I have for lunch?

She: I set out a bread last night, and seen a lot of Tuna Fish in the cupboard.

He: Gosh, I'd have to make that.

Don’t Worry

I don’t know what is going to happen
so I worry, and the worry makes it all worse.
In fact, the worry consumes everything
and makes it all a billion times worse.
The worry will consume me. The worry will kill me.


As the Doobie Brother sings
“I’ll be holding on,”I reflect upon
how my role in existence,
right now, is not as a great poet
but as a schmuck who wrecked the car.

Nothing You Can Do

Nothing can bring me down
You point out things trying
to make me look like a clown.
Maybe I been in this town too long.
Things go wrong. Things go right.
I haven’t  been in a fist fight in over
twenty years. Just wrecked my car.
Lucky I’m not behind bars.
Always something good comes out
of something bad. I’d like to turn
this today into tomorrow as fast as I can.

A sheriff’s car just drove by my window.

He is, probably, looking for someone
 to give a warrant to. I’m glad it’s not me.

She had large ones

and just about everybody agreed
that big ones were better than little ones.

Where do I stand now

I need to sell my soul.
I need to make a deal.
I need to sell my soul.
I need to make a deal
with the devil, or any other
evil mother fucker comes my way.
Fuck it. I’m lying. I’m pissed
off, and I’m hurt. I don’t
mean what I said. I am
going to take it easy, breath
in, and out, instead.  I used to
walk, run, hitchhike in the
wrong direction.

Twinkle Twinkle

My insecurity is way bigger than my wallet
will ever be. I’m going to go to the movies
until I die, and I will never look up, and see me.

I just want to be on the side that’s winning,
and what’s wrong with that?

You know me too well.
You know I’m going to hell.
I stood by the keg,
instead of the wishing well.


An innocent mistake;
nothing I could fake.

I m living hand to mouth

but no longer am I dancing
with insanity.

What is this about not helping Vet's get jobs?

These wealthy Republicans will let our sons,
 and daughters, fight their corporate greed
 wars, but won't look after them, once they
 get home maimed physically, and mentally.
 I just don't understand this greed, or how
 the not greedy can let the greed engulf them.

The importance of waning

Is waning a word,
or is this just absurd?

You can't see the rainbow, honey,
with crust all in your eyes.


I'm betting he will, and I am betting that he wants to
move onto a higher position than Mayor. You know
he ain’t going to head down to McDonald’s to fill out
an application to work the counter.

“Would you like a bigger size?” he would say with a smile,knowing in  his heart that he could have been at least a State Senator.

If I owned a gun

If I owned a gun
I would have used it
this morning when I woke.
I would have
put the gun to my head
pulled the trigger
and hoped that I went to Hell
and not the hospital
to wake up with a stupid look
on that part of my face
that was missing.


Poetry Flow

If you think too much about writing a poem
you will not write the poem, or, at least, I
will not write a poem if I think too much about it.
The poem has to come from my head to my fingers
without any interruption.

I rescued Shawtie from a trip to the pound
over a decade ago. The Girls who lived upstairs
from me in the apartment that I, and the kids,
inhabited for over a decade had gotten her on
a cab ride home from the driver of the cab. Several weeks later, they were moving, and had to dump
the dog. When I heard of her fate, I said no way,
knocked on their door, and left with the dog. At that
point, in that small apartment, I then had three dogs:
Shawtie, Javi, Morisson, and a moody cat that I loved
dearly, named Madonna.

Shawtie was the cutest puppy. I learned later that
she is a combination pit bull, and sharpie. She can
be mean. She will bite you. She nipped at my foot,
yesterday, when I tried to nudge her out of her regular
squat spot in the middle of the doorway to my office.

This morning, Shawtie, kind of gangst the cats’ breakfast away from them.  Another day in paradise. It is good to be alive. It is good to have Shawtie visiting, inspite of herself, at times!  Did I say that it is good to be alive? Oops, I said it twice: I must really mean it.
Have you ever almost sent a shard of ice
through your eye, while trying to get the
ice out of its container? Today, as I was
banging the ice tray on the floor of the
refrigerator, ice shot in the direction of
my upper face. There is a moral to this
And I had taken nothing to hallucinate

I thought that it was a butterfly
landing on the hood of the car
as I stood on the carport, and watched
the dogs eat, but it was a leaf.

Pray he will be alright. I talked to him once, when I was a stage hand, and he had a gig at Lakewood. I broke the you can't talk to rock stars rule, and I said to Billy Joe Armstrong, "I like that you played the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Tribute to The Ramones, after he talked all that shit about you. Joey was a good guy." I scooted before Billy Joe could say what a great guy I was.
This weight scale will have to go. It’s a cheap thing. It has started lying. It used to show my weight as going down, but recently it has been showing my weight as going up,
and that is not correct. It won’t work. I won’t work with
a broken scale. Does anyone have a donut?

Tubes Tied?

Does The Pope have an opinion
on vasectomy? Has he ever had one?
Classroom Chatter

it doesn’t matter
until they start talking
at you. The Bully uses
them to get to you.
You don’t know how
to put out his eye, so
you are strangled by him
for year. No tears for this,
I’ll take care of your every need

I’m not The Government. I’m not
your mother. I am not a drug,
a food, a drink; non-alcohol, or other.
I’m not a car. I’m not your house.
I’m not your groceries. I am not your
favorite drink, the one you loved until
it got you in trouble, and you had to
start going to those meetings. I am not
the drug that you would swallow regularly
if they quit drug testing you at work.
These things don’t take care of you.
Who does?
My body is changing

It gives me new challenges
as I age.

Sometimes, I can’t inhale it
because it is harsh.
Sometimes, I can’t inhale it
because there is not enough of it.

It wasn't a war. It was a conflict, or an engagement. Or something like that. Nobody really knew. A General had ordered it. A President had vetoed it. The Nation was both for, and against, it. Kids were dying in it. Sales usually went up in a war, but not in this one. And, once it was started, it wouldn't go away. A lot of lunch money was being spent on the war.
Can’t Listen to a dickhead

I’m going to dress now.
I’m going to piss now.
I’m going to get on the bus
and hope that the boss
doesn’t make a fuss.
I ain’t going to hit him, or her
but I can’t listen to what they say.
We Live

We live with rats, and cockroaches
and a guy who wants to rule us
who keeps his money in another country.
We live with surveillance cameras
surrounding us, and robocops ready
to whip us, should we gather outside of
the designated protest spots.
Thomas Lux says that you have to say
something funny in a serious poem.
Everybody’s got something to say

It is easy to say that something is fucked.
It is hard to come up with solutions.
Run Run Run

I’ve got to keep running from the truth
because I know that the truth is going
to hit me hard. I’ve got to keep running
from the truth; there are so many out
there saying so many things. I’ve got to
run, run, run. Can you tell me what is the
truth anyway about what is happening
in The USA?
It may be the only day that will be

I see the beauty of this day
and I grab it. It is the only day I have
It is the only day that I have ever had.

I grab it.
I seize it.
I embrace it.
I love it.
I enjoy it.
I am challenged by it.
With no need to eat the pig

they eat the pig send it screaming
and bloody into a painful death
so that they can happily consume
ham, and pig ribs, and bacon, and
all of that that comes from a pig,
why Lordy yes, some even eat the feet.
With no need to kill the rhino

they kill the rhino, and take his tusk
sell it for big bucks. It’s sick. It’s sad.
I’m waiting for the man

I am waiting for the man
to put money in my account
so that I can pay my bills.
Besides my bills, I have to buy
dog, and cat food. Thank God
the turtle doesn’t eat that much.
Another man’s wife.

I’m looking for a fix, a remedy
please fix what ails me. I got
a yearning for something that
I can’t taste. It’s not really in
my department. I saw it on
another man’s wife.
I'd have another cigarette
 but I can't breath.
 I'd put on my sunglasses
 but I can't see.

You better god damn put God back in the platform
I imagine some man in a nice suit screaming at a room full of men, and women, in nice clothing.
The question is, or might be

My computer is slow today; my zillion dollar computer.
Fuck. Can you ever get enough memory, or bites, or whatever the terminology is to stay ahead of these fucking things. Life is good though. I just had leftover homemade garlic shrimp with white boy rice for lunch; and, now, I am sipping on a tasty cup of coffee, about to head to the carport to practice guitar for a half hour. I know where I am; do you know where you are?
Where do you get the white chip for pessimistic thought?

I always feel like the axe is about to fall.
Is that what they call pessimistic thinking?
I might have to bribe the angels

Blowing through the innards of my soul
I saw many holes, and I did not know if
this vessel would make it to live in eternity
with The Holy Father. It would take an inspection,
and an inventory, to right this wrong;
and it might take too long for it to save me.


I’ve started a million different letters
in my head, and I have finished most of them,
but never sent them for I am told that restraint
of tongue, and pen, is a good thing.
Tired of fending

I’m blowing dust off of all my shelves.
I want things clean when I’m gone.
I won’t be looking back; I will be once again
fending for myself.

They are so pathetic and will never rule us

Plastic so seductive, so seemingly secure, now a killer like a pet snake, or spider, might turn out to be. I’m a serial killer, won’t you come home, and spend your last night with me? I’m a victim; won’t you help further bury me? Let’s blur the line between right, and wrong, and not tell anybody just keep moving on.
If I lived in Los Angeles

If I lived in Los Angeles
that would be me you’d
be coming to see in the movies.
If I lived in LA
my band would be bigger,
and better, than Guns N Roses
were in the day.
If I lived in LA, it wouldn’t be long
before they would be putting my star
in the sidewalk.
If I lived in LA, I wouldn’t walk
because only a nobody walks in LA.
If I lived in LA, maybe I wouldn’t be
so full of shit, but I doubt it,
so I ain’t moving to LA anytime soon.
You all are going to make me smoke marijuana

You all are going to make me smoke marijuana.
twenty years without a drink you know what I think
I think you all are going to make me smoke marijuana
traffic jams, minimum wage, doors closing faster
than I can knock on one. You know what I think?
I think that you all are going to drive me to smoke marijuana. Fire it up. Kick back. Relax. I want to be
watching the wheels turn round, and round. I want to believe that freedom is more than just another word.
I don’t want to be a happy idiot. You all are going to
make me smoke marijuana. You really are. You all are
going to make me smoke marijuana.

Got any?
My Friend

He would crush me as he would a cockroach.
He would step on me like he would an ant.
He would shoot me dead.
He would steal my love.
He would steal my ideas.
He would leave me for dead, bleeding on the road.
I’m just another schmuck

I’m just another schmuck
stuck here with the rest
trying to not wind up perspiring
under a bridge for a living.
I’m just another schmuck
one check away from finding out
what it feels like to stand by
the side of the road with a sign
that says, “I’ll work if I have to,
but I would really rather you just
give me some cash!”
I’m just another schmuck
my down and out song is
about two hours long.
You better move on. I might rub off
on you. You don’t think that you could
be me, but you already are a just a
schmuck like me.
We are all schmucks, shaken off the same tree.
Nobody is going to save us, and it will probably
get worse. If you can’t afford the doctor, they
won’t even let you see the nurse.
I’m a schmuck.
You’re a schmuck. La. La. La.

And the morning is supposed to be so refreshing

I’m in the sand and glass and oil
my feet bleeding, my mouth screaming.

Into each life a little rain must fall
by into my life must it grow so tall?
Be Together

We can my dear
but not here on Earth.
My acerbic wit

found itself somewhere
near her tit,
next thing I knew
my wit was sucking
on her clit.
A morning full of sorrow

It was a morning full of sorrow
my car was wrecked and there
was no one to borrow a smile from.

I’ve been writing poetry

but it’s the angry kind
in which, mostly, you and I suck.

I handled the death of
both my mother, and my father,
better than I am handling
having  just wrecked
my girlfriend’s car.
What I mostly remember my father saying to me

You’re witless.
You’re clueless.
You’ll never amount to much.
You’re a dimwit.
You’re a good for nothing.
You’ll never amount to much.
I told your mother
how old I’d be when she had ya.
You’ll never amount to much.
I’m sick of the sight of ya.
You’ll never amount to much.
La la la la la la la la la
You’ll never amount to much.
You’re a dimwit.
You’re clueless.
You’ll never amount to much.
La la la la la la la la la.
There are better things

There are better things
that I could be doing.
There are better places
that I could be.
I could be looking down
from a mountain.
I could be swimming
with the waves in the sea.
It is all in our mind.

Except for that which
is not in our wallet.
I’m trying not to come unwound.

I’m staying out of every bar in town.
I’m taking the pills: pink, and blue.

She is looking hot in pictures,
these days. She must have had
some work done, or maybe she
finally got a good photographer
to work with her. Gosh, the girl
is so full of shit, though. Where
does she get all that bullshit that
is blocking up her brain?